Friday, February 19, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood in 1930's Gangsta

I attended a great workshop with Armand, an Illustrator who currently works for Pixar. He worked on movies like "The Prince and the Frog", "Flushed Away", "Sharktale"... etc., He gave us the assignment to illustrate "Little Red Riding Hood" in 1930's Gangster, American South West or Medieval Italy. I chose 1930's Gangster. This was created during the workshop. So, I had a couple of hours to do it.


brittany said...

Tera, this is awesome!

Tera Grasser said...

Thanks Brittany!

Carolina Behrends said...

I love it!!!! your an amazing artist Tera! you know one of these days you'll have to draw me again!!! :)

Grumpy Queen Jennie said...

Awesome piece, if I had been able to go to the workshop I would have chosen the 1930's as well, It seems like fun :D. Like the light around Red